a modern view
on your vision

A Brighter Future Begins at a Modern Vision Center

The Modern Vision Center seal showcases a shared commitment to connecting you with the right care from the right team at the right time, no matter the stage of your eye care journey. Our view on your vision includes the most advanced testing and thoughtful education on all of your options to ensure you achieve the best possible outcomes. Exceptional care for your eyes begins at a Modern Vision Center.

Empowerment through Education
Eye exams from Modern Vision Center (MVC) partner practices offer extensive diagnostic testing and imagery paired with detailed explanations and insights, plus ongoing support through an engaging patient app.
Advanced Eye Care Technology
MVC partner practices match the right technologies to each patient using modern diagnostics, state-of-the-art treatments, safe, same-day surgery for both eyes, advanced software, and telemedicine.
Clinical Excellence
Our partnership brings together 14 of the most trusted eye care leaders with over 150 years of combined experience including specialists in optometry, ophthalmology and refractive surgery.

A Premier Patient Experience

“Modern Vision Center partner practices offer eye care expertise and solutions for every stage of life, using technology, knowledge and understanding of each patient to drive solutions for their visual needs and desires for the near, mid, and long term. This model and the practices within it will set the bar for what primary eye care experience should be. For people wanting visual freedom and control of their lifestyle, it will be the gold standard.”

– Dr. Lance Kugler, Kugler Vision