About Modern Vision Centers
Why Choose Modern Vision Centers?
A Modern View on Your Vision: The eye care experts at Modern Vision Center partner practices work together to create the most personalized patient experience and ensure the highest outcomes through shared clinical expertise and the most advanced eye care technology.
We believe that by providing you with the knowledge and in-depth education on all of your eye care options, we can help you achieve visual freedom and keep your vision on track for life.

“Our unique partnership ensures professional service and expertise for every age and pathology affecting vision. We believe within 5 years, Modern Vision Center partner practices will be a national presence that remakes the model for private medical practices, even outside of ophthalmology.”
– Dr. Brandon Menke, ilumin
The Modern Vision Center seal showcases a shared commitment to connecting you with the right care from the right team at the right time, no matter the stage of your eye care journey. Our view on your vision includes the most advanced testing and thoughtful education on all of your options to ensure you achieve the best possible outcomes. Exceptional care for your eyes begins at a Modern Vision Center.